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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly is a Kindness agent?

A Kindness agent is like having a very good friend or adult child that will happily show up, visit, and help you any time you want or need. Our agents come to spend time with you, or someone you care about, and can just listen to you about anything happening in your or their life, as well we can help with completing simple tasks or duties around the house. We can be part personal assistant and part confidante - but a good friend and personal advocate are the closest comparisons to who we are and what we do.


2. What do we actually do?

We sell human time to people but more specifically in the form of actual Kindness. What does that mean? First and foremost we are there to spend kind time with you, your friend, or your loved one. We can, however, spend that time in many different ways. Our service is flexible so we can just visit and focus on you, your friend, or family member, or we can be a little more helpful and accommodate many of the in-between and odd life tasks people often need help completing.


In more concrete terms we show up to your home or a place of your choosing and can sit quietly, or visit about the state of the world, family issues or any topic you or they please. We deliver flowers and often take a walk or sit outside while telling stories. We can play games, look at photos, we can cook and eat meals together. If something is needed we can do simple things like change a light bulb or for something more serious we often help research a local handyman or plumber and call to arrange their services for necessary and overdue fixes. We log new tech devices into the Wi-Fi or we can help someone save pictures from their phone to a hard drive, and much more. If there's something you, your friend, or family has been needing or wanting to get done but haven't had the time, call us to come help as two heads are better than one. The heart of our service lies in healing, meaningful connection and sharing time infused with kindness, but we are happy to be helpful as a large component of that.


3. What does Kindness mean to us and what do we mean when we say it?

Kindness is both who we are and it's what we do. Let us be clear we are not here to present you with an inauthentic, phony interaction or anything like toxic positivity. We realize the universe of difference between showing up for someone to share a little presence and light into their life versus simply talking too much and upsetting the energy in someone's home like an unwanted guest who won't leave. If you or your friend or family are going through something tough, we are not there to contrarily shift the mood. We are there to hear, join, and go through it all with you - to address your feelings and support you through what you're going through, not to cover up the issue or dismiss it - to give you a safe, non-judgemental space to discuss your feelings and possibly release some energy about them. Our brand of kindness is very much the same feeling you get from a great friendship.


4. Why do we exist?

We as a culture now understand how profoundly loneliness and isolation affect our physical health and worse how they are reaching near-epidemic proportions. We also know that the remedy is simple, human friendship and connection. We at Kindness exist because you would like to see the people you care about more or be less lonely yourself. We exist because you have friends and loved ones you wish you could be there for more often but time is just not available. We were created to share what we value most, positive energy and real support via real kindness. We are here to show up for you, or those humans you care about when you can not, it's that simple.


5. Are we anything like a traditional healthcare service?

No, we are not a personal care or skilled nursing provider but rather a new companionship service for humans. We are here to address the health crisis of loneliness and isolation that affects many of us today or those we love - especially in light of the deep societal and generational separations felt by all during the lock-downs the past 4 years of the Global Pandemic. We believe what we do has far-reaching, positive, and therapeutic characteristics for all involved based on the countless feedback we receive from the communities in which we operate. But to be very clear if someone needs medical assistance during the course of one of our sessions, we immediately call 911 and facilitate their instructed care until help arrives like anyone would in a similar situation.


6. How do we find our kindness agents?

Kindness can challenging to quantify, but our agents are quite rigorously vetted and screened before hire, looking for all the qualities that contribute to what we believe constitutes real, human Kindness. If qualified, all potential agents go through a strict round of federal background checks so we can further guarantee a level of professionalism and safety for our clients. If you're interested in becoming a Kindness agent please feel free to reach out now or be sure to keep an eye out for our Careers page which will be coming soon!


7. What if I need to cancel my appointment?

Your time is important to us. Our time is important to us too. We do ask that if something comes up and you are unable to make your appointment - please allow us 24 Hours Notice - so that we  may have time to fill that time slot with another booking and we will be happy to provide you with a full refund. Last  minute scheduling changes, same day cancellations, and no-show appointments are subject to a fee equal to the services booked.

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